Business Management for Painters
Do you know if you make a profit after completing a project? Or maybe it’s a loss! This guide will show you the Profit/Loss from your Quoted price to your Actual cost (available to download in the ‘Free Tools’ tab).
Don’t go by someone else’s square metre rates. Use this guide to work out your own (available to download in the ‘Free Tools’ tab).
Are you worried about losing a few jobs by putting up your hourly rate? This guide will show that financially, you will be better off if you do (available to download in the ‘Free Tools’ tab).
Employee Break-Down Cost.
How To Measure and Price Doors for Painting.
Ladder Safety
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If you're looking for someone to design your website and, also arrange the hosting of it, then look no further as Sylvia is the one I would highly recommend to contact.
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Aussie Painters Network
This is a site I highly recommend to any painter that is looking for that extra information. Also check out the FREE magazine in which I have written in excess of 100 articles.